Many people have a lonely old multi-gear bike in the garage that they’d like to convert to singlespeed or fixed gear. One big hitch, however, is that almost all geared bikes nowadays have vertical dropouts. When you ditch the derailleur, there is no way of adjusting the chain for correct tension. Bummer.
Unless you have a White Industries ENO eccentric rear hub! This nifty item has a small offset between the axle and the nuts, which means you can adjust chain tension by TWISTING the hub in the dropout before tightening the nuts. This is the real deal! You can run it fixed or free, or flip-flop between the two. If you choose to run fixed, White Industries has a splined fixed cog system that is more reliable than traditional threading; no more stripped threads or loose lockrings, even if you are the gnarliest skidder in town.
The ENO comes sized for road or mountain, with or without disc brake mounts. The guys at the shop can help you choose the right model for your needs, and then build up a rear wheel that will serve you for years and years of smooth rolling. Being a specialty item, the hubs are not stocked and do need to be special-ordered.
White Industries is a precision bicycle component manufacturer in Petaluma, California, and has been around since 1978. More information can be found at their website: