Here's a recent addition to my collection, an 1895 Elmore safety from the golden age of cycling. This is a good example from the transition period between high wheeler and diamond frame. The frame is very tall with a steep head angle and short top tube for a very upright (almost standing) riding position. It has a fixed rear hub with fork pegs for coasting. The coaster brake had not yet been invented and brakes were unfashionable at this time, especially on men's bikes. The rims are wooden with single tube pneumatic tires. It is driven by a hand-made block chain. The grips are cork.
Elmore went into the automobile business in later years and was a division of General Motors for a few years.
That bike would look sweet with some Deep V's, a top-tube pad, and Oury grips.
Oh, and flip and chop those bars.
I wonder if they had "skid stop" competitions back in the day?
skip-tooth chain and wooden rims FTW!
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