
2011 Tour De Blue...

The 2011 Edition of the Tour de Blue, Cycling for Prostate Cancer Awareness will roll out from the shop Saturday, April 23rd. The ride will feature some new routes at the same distances that we have done in the past with 50, 75 and 100 mile options. The ride is fully supported and will have frequent, well stocked rest stops staffed by friendly volunteers. Tour de Blue is a fund raising event that supports the Urology Health Foundation (UHF). The UHFis a 501(3)(c) unprofit whose primary mission is to educate men in poorest counties of Alabama on the need to be tested for prostate cancer. UHF also performs free clinics throughout the year, testing men for free and assisting these men with free treatment if their tests are positive. All of the money stays here is Alabama and goes directly to those that need help to most. Please come out and help us raise funds for this very worthy cause. You can also follow the Tour de Blue on Facebook. Please click on the "Like" button to get the latest news on the Tour de Blue and updates on the Urology Health Foundations good works.

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